While each solution is unique to you, we follow an agile process that includes a few critical components.

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Analyze the requirements

We begin by gathering all of your project requirements with you. This aids us in comprehending the desired end result as well as the major objectives to be fulfilled. Wireframes, user journeys, designs, and Software Requirement Specification documents will all be evaluated next.

Make a project strategy

We make sure to prepare everything meticulously since poor planning leads to poor performance. The milestones we want to hit and the project's overall timelines are outlined in our plan. We usually use agile approaches, however we can use other ways if your company prefers or requires them.

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Tool selection and setting up the environment

Our engineering team is incredible. They'll examine your company to ensure we're utilizing the greatest tools for the job, matching what you'll get the most from with your main goals. They'll then establish the various environments needed, such as staging and pre-live.

Development and Quality Assurance

We follow a test-driven development (TDD) methodology. For each piece of development work, we build user story cards. We QA them both automatically and manually when they're finished we share the results with our clients to verify they pass the User Acceptance Tests. This includes releasing the app to Firebase and/or additional testing environments for a full quality assurance.

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Merge of codes

This is where, if possible, we integrate the development code into the main branch. We always make sure that items can be rolled back if necessary, and we use Gitflow in conjunction with other CI and CD solutions to assure continuous integration and delivery.

The final quality assurance

After we've finished developing and testing the web app, we run it through a final test to ensure it's of the highest quality. Our QA engineers test all of the agreed-upon devices and browsers in various scenarios to guarantee that everything is working properly and that no defects are there.

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Support before, during, and after the launch

It's time to test the production! We'll ensure your production server is safe and secure, as well as optimized for maximum performance. Then, on a monthly retainer, we'll give training and continuous support, ensuring that your apps are constantly monitored and can be developed as needed.

Get ready for the launch

We'll finalize the tool settings and conduct a peer review, in which another solutions engineer compares the test configuration to the test plan to ensure that everything is in working order. When this is complete, we'll notify you so that you can start the experiment and begin collecting data.

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Our preferred technology

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There are numerous advantages to working with Pirala.

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Selecting the appropriate technology

We'll make sure we're using the finest technology for your application and business, and we'll make sure you understand why.

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Development that is based on tests

We use a test-driven development strategy, which means that before merging to the new tool, all changes are automatically tested.

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The right pipeline and environment are in place

We'll make certain that the correct kinds of environments and CI/CD pipelines are in place to ensure that development is both sustainable and safe.

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Maintaining contact

We're always ready for a discussion, and we can keep communication channels open using platforms like Skype and Slack. We want you to feel as if we're right around the corner, so you'll never be caught off guard.

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Cost-effectiveness is a priority

Our team has experts in various industries, from website developers to ecommerce website designers, but we also understand that not everything has to be expensive. That's why we try to minimize costs everywhere that can be applied.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We enjoy a good conversation and would be happy to assist you.